Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow (TSCOPF)
High degree of electricity dependence of social activities has made power systems larger and more complicated. Power systems are required to supply electric power in more improved manner and system operators should always keep track of Total Transfer Capability (TTC), which indicates how much power flow can transfer through the transmission lines.
In the conventional studies for Optimal Power Flow (OPF) method, the goal was to find the optimal operation point at a steady state. However, when a contingency occurs at somewhere, transient stability problem may appear. Therefore, a new method that can consider the transient stability is attracting much attention, which is called as Transient Stability Constrained OPF (TSCOPF).
In this study, more accurate model of three-phase unbalanced fault is integrated to the conventional TSCOPF and some improvements are made to accelerate its computation time.