Optimal Installation and Operation of Distributed GeneratorsFor utility system planners, distribution network enhancement planning according to load increase is a very important problem. Since the enhancement needs huge costs and long lead times, the plan should be built in order to restrain vain investments. In addition, the investment return of distribution system enhancement is naturally small and utility's incentive is getting lower due to the deregulation in power industry. Introduction of distributed generators, which does not need long lead times, is attracting much attention as an effective option instead of constructing large facilities. Easily-controllable small generators like micro-gasturbines and fuel cells have been already at the stage of practical use, this kind of distributed generators will be installed more and more in the near future.
In this study, cost evaluations are executed to estimate the benefits of the customers who installed the distributed generators. This makes some trends of customer's own installation patterns clear and provides a useful guideline for the distribution network enhancement plan including distributed generators.